1. FortuneCity - - Science and Philosophy
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Philosophy Discussion Board
Philosophy Discussion Board. This discussion board is designed for those who would
like to share views on philosophy or religion as it pertains to...
URL: http://www.intelligentchild.com/discussion/philosophy/index.html
3. Philosophy of the GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
Philosophy of the GNU Project. [ Catalan | Dutch | English | French | Hungarian |
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URL: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/
4. Philosophy around the Web
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URL: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~worc0337/phil_index.html
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5. gTexts: Philosophy
Philosophy. At some point, we all start wondering about things like "Is it
better to be a good person or to really be a bad person but seem like a...
URL: http://www.gtexts.com/program/p3.html
6. Iowa Clinic, P.C. - Our Philosophy
At The Iowa Clinic, P.C. patients are partners in the care-giving process. We are here
to help our patients manage their medical care. The physicians...
URL: http://www.iowaclinic.com/ourphilosophy.htm
7. PHILOSOPHY Frigate: Carolina Navy Discussion Decks @
PHILOSOPHY North Carolina Navy: For Discussing PHILOSOPHY
URL: http://carolinanavy.com/fleet2/f2/zphilosophy/nantucket.html
8. PHILOSOPHY FLEET: Carolina Navy Discussion Frigates
@ carolinanavy.com
PHILOSOPHY North Carolina Navy: For Discussing PHILOSOPHY
URL: http://killdevilhill.com/z/yphilo1d/nantucket.html
9. Philosophy of the GNU Project - Free Software
Foundation (FSF)
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Italian | Japanese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish |...
URL: http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
10. Department of Philosophy, Kent State University
Department of Philosophy 320 Bowman Hall Kent, Ohio 44242-0001. E-mail:
philo@kent.edu Voice: 330.672.2315 FAX: 330.672.4867. Kent State University...
URL: http://www.kent.edu/philo
11. Business Philosophy & Business
BusinessPhilosophy.com Lighthouse
Business Philosophy Businessphilosophy.comTM Lighthouse.
URL: http://businessphilosophy.com/business/BusinessPhilosophybusiness/mobydick.html
12. Yahoo! Arts > Humanities > Philosophy >
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